Monday 22 March 2010

Bogyeonsa Temple and Naeyeonsan Waterfalls

After talking about this trip for weeks, we finally got a nice sunny day and decided to travel to our first Buddhist Temple in South Korea. About an hour bus journey from Pohang is Bogyeonsa Buddhist Temple which is set in the forest at Mt Jungnamsan with Naeyeonsan waterfalls which flow up beside the temple.

So, I researched online that we needed to get bus 500 from the Intercity Bus Terminal and take it as far as it goes to Bogyeonsa. We met Corey and Paul at the station at 10am and hopped on bus number 500. However, it was only after we got on that we realised we did not know which side of the road we should have caught the bus from and so asked the bus driver. He immediately signaled to the opposite side of the road but by this time we were moving. He gestured for us to sit down and intimated that the bus would soon turn around and we could go back the way we came. After 15 minutes, we got a bit anxious as we turned into a bus depot and the bus parked. The driver shepherded us into the "staff office" and told us to wait. So, we waited. A cleaner lady came and went and we waited. There was a weird yellow plastic pig sitting on top of the TV which had one eye upside down. We knew not the significance of this but it amused us.

Squint-eyed pig.

I saw a bus 500 pulling out the of station and, thinking that the driver had forgotten about us, we all ran for the bus. The driver quickly chased us and told us to get back to the terminal - that bus did not got to Bogyeonsa apparently. Our faith in him was fulfilled however as a few minutes later he signalled for us to get on another 500 and it did indeed take us to our destination!

Map of the 12 waterfalls and the Buddhist Temple (bottom right hand corner marked by what looks like a Nazi symbol but is in fact a Buddhist symbol)

When we arrived at Bogyeonsa (after Corey having to rush to the loo), we were all a bit hungry so decided to have some lunch. There were a few Korean restaurants so we chose one and ordered by pointing at pictures. Garry and Paul had bibimbap, Corey and me shared some Korean spicy beancurd and veggie soup with rice. We also got some Korean pancake which is delicious and the usual assortment of side dishes.

Lunch - the large circular yellow plate is the Korean pancake made from a dough and green onions, very tasty.

Penis juice - no idea what it actually is but really? A ceramic penis you can take home after you have finished your juice. A little old school perhaps.

Bellies full, we set of up to the temple and spent some time exploring. It was a beautiful little temple and so quiet set in the mountains. We started our walk up the 12 waterfalls and about an hour and a half later reached where we thought was the top - however, after consulting the map we think we only got about half way! Oh well, some of the waterfalls were amazing and it was really nice to be out in the countryside seeing some of the real Korea. Garry and Paul were trying to outdo each other in manliness and kept trying to get the closest to the top of the waterfall - without falling over.

Entrance to the Temple and path to the waterfalls.

Buddhist artwork painted on the outside of the Temple.

Buddhist art work painted on the wooden Temple.

Buddhist wooden statue inside the gates of the temple protecting the inhabitants.

Buddhist lanterns hanging around the temple in various colours.

The notes attached to the lanterns are prayers and wishes.

Golden Buddha statue inside one of the temples for prayer.

Bells that hang on many of the corners of the temples.

Door knocker and wooden door.

View from the top of the grounds around the temple.



Me hanging around a sign that probably says "Don't stand here, its not safe".

Baby waterfalls.

Japanese writing on a large rock by the side of the waterfalls.

Big waterfall!

Flowing water.

Aw, us at the top of the waterfall.

Me under a crashing waterfall.

Posing and getting wet.

Paul climbing up the side of the waterfall.

View from the top of the waterfall.

Garry and Paul playing chicken at the top of the waterfall.

Corey and me climbing down the hillside with only a rope for grip! EEK!

We walked back down and caught the last bus at 5pm back to Pohang. And, once again, we headed downtown to munch on sam gyup sal - we went to a different place this time and feasted liked kings for a pittance!

Tired faces, full bellies.

All in all, a fab day in SoKo with some great friends, great food and beautiful countryside.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I love that you took a picture of the pig.
    I can only see half of the sign, but yep, looks like that what it says. "This place is dangerous. Don't go in here."
    We're planning a family trip to Korea next year and will be visiting a friend in Pohang. I want to do this hike!
