Sunday 15 August 2010

Cameron, you are the cutest!

One of my favourite Sunday things to do is to chat with my nephew, Cameron aka Roo, on Skype - today he was really cute and babbling away in his own wee language as well as giving me kisses and telling me that "golf is a silly game".

And my baby niece Katie is due in 3 little weeks - hold on in there Catherine, enjoy your last few weeks with Roo and remember all the people that will be there to help when she arrives!

Miss you lots x x x x x x x

Good food, good friends, great times

So this weekend we had planned to go camping at Yeongdeok Beach with Katy and Danny, our friends from Andong but the weather was nasty and decided to lash heavy rain at the east coast all weekend.

A quick change of plans and we jumped a bus up to Andong instead for a rainy day of cards, Mexican food, rum punch, sangria and catching up about holidays stories.

Katy making her very own flour tortillas which were amazing!

Katy taught us a new card game (which they called Colorado Golf but really has no name) which was lots of fun and definitely required on a really rainy day. We drank rum punch and ate tortilla chips and salsa. This was followed by Katy's homemade tortillas, chicken, cheese, and everything else a girl (from Scotland who loves Mexican food) could ask for!

Dinner was immense and the sangria wasn't bad either!

They also introduced us to The Flight of the Concordes and here is one of my favourite songs, which is dedicated to our little baby Albert Thomas:

Thanks Katy and Danny for amazing food, great company and enabling me to win for the first time ever playing a game with you guys!

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Maya McDougall is here!

A huge congratulations to the beautiful Mairi and rather handsome Bobby on the arrival of their darling daughter Maya McDougall at 10.32am this morning. Well done Peanut, you done good and made a real human bean! Hope you are resting and cannot wait to meet the little angel on Skype very soon, sending baby squishes from Korea and lots of love to Mummy,

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x